Nutrition And Concussion Recovery: Addressing Traumatic Brain Injury Using An Integrative Approach
By Amy Archer, RDN
Enhance your understanding of concussion (also called mild traumatic brain injury- mTBI) and how nutrition and lifestyle may play a role in recovery.
The book reviews:
- The neurometabolic cascade and systemic impact of concussion
- Neuroinflammation, the gut-brain connection, and how diet may affect the gut and brain
- A review of researched nutrients and supplements that may improve concussion recovery
- Other ways beyond nutrition that may affect the recovery
- Also included are recommended labs to assess nutrition during concussion recovery
With over 450 research references, this book is a great resource for any clinician interested in nutrition and concussion recovery.
To order your copy, click here.
An Integrative & Functional Nutrition Approach to ADHD Management: Guidance for the Clinician
By Amy Archer, RDN
Looking to increase your knowledge of nutrition and ADHD? This book is packed full of integrative and functional nutrition approaches to managing ADHD symptoms in adults and children.
The book includes:
- An overview of ADHD (neurotransmitters, neuroplasticity)
- A review of current research on ADHD and how nutrition may affect ADHD symptoms
- Elimination diets, the gut-brain connection, and ADHD
- Functional nutrition approaches to ADHD management including vitamin D, magnesium, B vitamins, sulforaphane and more
- Lifestyle and reducing ADHD symptoms
- Counseling ADHD clients including motivational interviewing and setting SMART goals
To order your copy, click here.
Anti-Inflammatory Menu Guide
- Are you overwhelmed trying to be compliant with your food sensitivity nutrition plan?
- Have you had a hard time trying to figure out what to cook for meals?
- Do you need meal suggestions based off your food sensitivity results?
The Anti-Inflammatory Menu Guide can be used with MRT (Mediator Release Test) results as it contains ONLY MRT tested ingredients.
You choose only from your allowed list of foods.
This guide is recommended during the first 6 weeks of the LEAP Protocol and beyond. It is gluten and dairy free.
The guide contains:
- 1 page of tips to follow your nutrition plan
- 14 colorful menu pages using ONLY MRT tested foods
- 2 pages of LEAP compliant products (oils, milks, pastas, wraps, broths, protein powders)
- 1 page of shopping and recipe (pancakes, breads) links
- 1 sample weekly menu
INSTANT DOWNLOAD: Once you purchase this item, you can download the PDF.
LICENSE: You may copy this file for personal use or for clients. Not to be shared online, sold, or distributed to other healthcare professionals for their use.
Because this is a digital file, no refunds will be made.
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