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10 Proven Steps to Prevent SIBO Recurrence

Have you had SIBO (Small Intestine Bowel Overgrowth)? Does your SIBO keep coming back? Are you looking for strategies to prevent SIBO recurrence? 

Continue reading to find 10 natural ways to transform your gut health and prevent SIBO recurrence.

This information is for educational purposes only. As with any medical advice, always check with your doctor or healthcare professional for personal and age-appropriate recommendations.

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10 Proven Steps to Prevent SIBO Recurrence

SIBO or Small Intestine Bowel Overgrowth is when too many bacteria are in the small intestine. It is often treated by your healthcare professional with antibiotics or antimicrobials however, the recurrence rate is high (1).

SIBO After Food Poisoning?

One common contributing factor to SIBO is food poisoning (2).

In my practice, many of my clients get SIBO after food borne illness, often coupled with chronic health issues.  This connection highlights the importance of food safety practices to minimize the risk of such illnesses.

With SIBO recurrence rate at about 45%, SIBO management is crucial for long-term gut health (3) . Here are 10 tips to help prevent SIBO recurrence.

10 Tips to Prevent the Recurrence of SIBO

Limit Snacking to Allow Your Gut to Rest

Do not eat between meals to give the bowels a rest. The MMC (migrating motor complex) is your gut’s housekeeper which works during periods of fasting. If the MMC is not allowed to do its job, it can affect gut health and may lead to symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, or loose stools.

Stop Eating 3 Hours Before Bedtime 

The MMC cleans the gut while it is at rest by removing food remnants and bacteria while you sleep (4). Give the bowels a rest before bedtime.

Move Your Body 

Keep moving your body to support a healthy gut microbiome and motility. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Set reminders to get up and move. Exercising allows blood to move through your digestive tract and supports a healthy gut microbiome (5).

Reintroduce a Plant-Rich Diet 

After following a low FODMAP or SIBO diet, slowly add fiber and probiotic foods (6).  Aim for a colorful variety of plant-based options to nourish your gut.

Maintain Healthy Stomach Acid 

Sufficient stomach acid is vital for managing bacterial growth. When a healthy amount of stomach acid is present, this limits excessive bacteria in the small bowel (7). Try bitters, digestive enzymes, apple cider vinegar, or HCL before meals, however, always check with your healthcare practitioner before starting supplements.

Chew Slowly, Mindful Eating 

A simple tip is to eat mindfully and chew your food thoroughly. The cephalic phase of digestion is when the sight, smell, taste, or thought of food starts the digestive juices flowing. Engaging your senses in the eating process primes your digestive system for optimal function. 

Reduce Stress 

Incorporate meditation, yoga, mindfulness, or deep breathing to support digestive health.

Brain Retraining Programs

Programs such as Gupta, DNRS, EMDR, or the NERVA app can help rewire your brain’s response to stress and to support gut health.

Probiotics Balance the Microbiome

Research shows people with SIBO may benefit from probiotics as they improve digestive health (8). In a recent study, the probiotics group showed a significantly higher SIBO decontamination rate than the non-probiotic group (9).  I prefer soil-based probiotics as they improve and shift gut ecology balancing the microbiome (10). 

Probiotics in fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt can support gut health by contributing to a healthy microbiome.

Natural Prokinetic Supplements Improve Gut Motility

Prokinetics help move food and debris through the digestive tract (11). If your motility is slow, you may be prone to constipation. Like stagnant water, bacteria may grow if the bowels do not move.

Herbal prokinetic supplements include:

  • Ginger root
  • Artichoke leaf
  • Gentian root
  • Licorice root
  • Peppermint leaf

Natural prokinetic supplements are:

  • Iberogast 
  • Motility Activator
  • MotilPro 
  • Motility Pro
  • MegaGuard

*Be cautious as some prokinetics may interfere with medications. Always check with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements.

Final Thoughts

SIBO or Small Intestine Bowel Overgrowth occurs when there are too many bacteria in the small intestine. Recurrence of SIBO is common and there are many ways to support a healthy gut.

Resting the gut, moving your body, being mindful, and adding gut-supporting supplements like digestive enzymes, probiotics, fiber, and prokinetics can help prevent the recurrence of SIBO.

Read more from my blog here.

© Amy Archer RDN, CLT, CHWC


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